Business Alignment Ritual


I'm so thrilled to lead you in this magical practice!!

Make sure to have space to lie down if desired, a journal and fave pen, water, candle if you have one, and an open heart.

We'll be together for 90 mins and will meet on zoom

12/19/22 at 1:30 MST

Any questions or concerns - reach out to

"My ritual with Amanda was such a wonderful gift full of restoration, pleasure, and healing. Her warm presence and love of cultivating rich and inviting experiences is so transformative.
 I’m grateful for these opportunities to go within and nurture myself while surrounded by a supportive community of others – I wish everyone would treat themselves to this!”

"I have a new level of trust in my ability to get my own answers. I picked up many tools through this exercise together that I now use regularly to go within. "- KA

About Amanda Testa

Hello, I’m Amanda Testa. I’m a trusted healer, coach, and guide who’s served hundreds of clients over the years with masterful skills in coaching, pleasure embodiment, business cultivation, and somatic trauma resolution.

My clients tenderly heal their relationship with their sexuality, shamelessly embrace pleasure, own their sexy confidence, find coherence around business, and cultivate deeply connected relationships with my fiercely loving support.

When I not leading transformative sessions, you can find me snuggling my spunky 10 year old, flirting with my sexy hubs, playing in nature, enjoying live music, and having epic conversations about sex with fellow experts on my Find Your Feminine Fire podcast.

After thousands of hours of training  and teaching in trauma informed sex and relationship coaching, yoni egg coaching, tantric sex coaching, sacred sexuality, energy healing, somatic trauma resolution, and more, I’ve seen time an time again the magic and wisdom of our bodies. We all have the ability to return to our blueprint of health, aliveness, pleasure and sovereignty, and you can too.

With my powerful, loving and gentle support my clients find their desire and pleasure again, find safety and bliss in their bodies, and remember they are enough just as they are.

Copyright 2022.  Amanda Testa LLC All Rights Reserved