Sensual Self Care Sanctuary 

Welcome Goddess/x

You want your magic back.

You’re ready to feel that fire in your belly again.

It’s time to turn back on.

To bring back the fire to yourself, your business, your pleasure, your relationship.

I know. It’s been a journey to get here. I am celebrating you.

While you’re here, you can set your bag down (the one holding all the shame, fear, worry, or anxiety that may be present).

It’s not as hard or scary as you think.

You have permission to take a deep breath. Maybe one more.
And I have a feeling you’re going to like what you find.

In our busy lives, it can be so easy to forget to center our own pleasure.  The Pleasure Foundation is here to offer that community where you matter, your pleasure matters, and less is more. 

It's a Monthly magical membership back into your medicine and magic.  A Sensual Self Care Sanctuary that centers YOU.

Back to feeling tingles in all the right places, to enjoy the practices that make you come alive, be magnetic, and feel flipping amazing so you can feel your best self again.

Maybe you can resonate with the following:

You’ve got a pretty successful life.  From the outside- all looks great.

You do a great job of taking care of all the people in your life, your partner, family, clients, but lately you’re not making it on that list.
You and your partner used to have a super fiery connection, but lately frankly you’re feeling bored and a tad resentful.
You know you have what it takes- you’ve excelled in so many things!
But lately you've lost that spark that keeps you excited about it all.
It's time to take some of your own medicine, instead of giving it all away to everyone else!

What you can expect from this experience

A simple way to practice regularly supporting your pleasure and nourishment, so you can feel like yourself again, confident, creative, sexy, and energized. 

Monthly intentions, journaling prompts, and oracle spreads to help deepen your connection to yourself, and to integrate the monthly empowerment themes.

One 60 minute breathwork practice per month to drop into the power and wisdom of the breath, and to help process stress, and invite in space for pleasure and joy.

One 60 min embodied pleasure practice per month, so you can build your sensual magnetism, to feel your life force activated and allow it to nourish your body and being.

What can pleasure do for you?

Reduce Stress

In our hectic lives, it's hard to carve out time to nourish our pleasure, even when we know how important and impactful it can be.

Pleasurable activity is proven to inhibit anxiety responses in the brain. 

Our culture is riddled with stress, and when we take time to marinate in what feels good, and let our body process all it is holding, we feel more content, present, and capable of handling all that is on our plate. 

We can respond vs. react when the kids meltdown, or when your partner does that thing that makes you crazy.  

You can see possibility and creative solutions, instead of looping down the negativity spirals. 

Increase Self Love

As we spend time with ourselves, we peel back the layers of negativity and judgement that can keep us from truly loving ourselves, our bodies, and trusting we are enough just as we are, enabling new habits of kindness and compassion to enter the picture.  

No more harsh inner critic running the show.  

Instead you'll feel more connected to yourself, more comfortable in your skin, and more compassionate towards yourself and your experiences. 

You treat yourself with kindness, you honor your needs, and you have more love for others because your tank is full.  You feel love and pride when you see yourself in the mirror. 

Activate your Sensual Aliveness

Our connection to our sensations takes ordinary experiences into rituals of gratitude and aliveness. Being very aware of your senses – your sense of touch, smell or taste – is a portal into trance-like flow states, also activating all parts of your brain so you can fully be present in the moments of your life. 

When you cultivate your sensual energy, you awaken your sexual potential so you can have more energy and creativity in all areas of your life.

You become magnetic, and your energy is a joy to be around.  

Experience Better Orgasms

A regular practice devoted to your pleasure creates more sexual pleasure as well! Both pain and pleasure are first perceived in the amygdala, the part of the brain dedicated to emotional extremes, fight/flight, survival.

Pleasure and pain originate in the nucleus accumbens, just below the level of thought.

There are values placed upon sensation mingled with emotion and thoughts, so when we have a sensation, that triggers an emotional response, which triggers whether we feel pleasure or pain.

The good news is that our brains are able to be rewired.
We can rewire our brains to feel more pleasure.

The more we engage in pleasurable experiences, the easier it is for our nervous system to default to regulation!  

This means less stress, more pleasure, more desire , and better sex and orgasms too! 

When you focus time, energy, and care on your own experience, you can enjoy your pleasure for YOU - and stop making it a performance, or a care tending activity, but one where you can drop into your body, be present with the sensations that feel good, and enjoy intimacy more deeply with yourself and your partner.

Have some Flipping Fun!

Fun and play are at the heart of this work - making it enjoyable makes it doable.

My Dad always told me I was a balloon looking for a party, and I love to infuse my practices with gentleness, wisdom, and playfulness!

Here you'll be able to celebrate what feels good with other amazing souls who also want to celebrate their joy and pleasure.  

And the community aspect of this work is so healing.  Shame dissolves in the light.  

When we gather to celebrate pleasure - it's a powerful and healing experience!!

The Pleasure Foundation Keys

Key 1

Nervous system regulation

We can use our pleasure to nourish our well being. Yes- it's true you can use these practices to go from feeling overwhelmed, to feeling regulated, calm, more creative, and more present. 

Key 2

Education, understanding anatomy and what brings us pleasure

It's not our fault we were never taught the proper anatomy of pleasure!   Here you can learn more about what it takes to feel good and what you enjoy based on your unique pleasure profile. 

Key 3


Taking what you've learned and actually putting it to practice!

Repetition is what builds new neural pathways to pleasure, we need to  practice so we can more easily default to pleasure. 

And being celebrated and encouraged along your pleasure journey by supportive like minded peers eliminates shame and guilt for putting yourself first. 

"Practices with Amanda are a fun, sexy and empowering time. I love her incorporation of pleasure, movement, sensuality and healing practices. The way she guides you is so supportive, gentle and encouraging. I love how the energy increases in the group setting and by having Amanda hold space for my unfolding of pleasure and personal evolution.

I feel so deliciously relaxed and refreshed afterward I wish I could work with her everyday!"


"I wanted to feel more in my body. I was looking to experience more pleasure in my every day and be more keenly aware of my emotions and what I feel in my body.

Now I feel like have more tools and resources to understand when my old habits are creeping in or I am feeling shut down. I am able to tap into the different layers of myself to uncover why I feel the way I do and what I can do to feel more tuned in and turned on to myself.

I recommend Amanda to anyone who wants to get their spark back, come home more to who they are, and revel in the beauty of themselves every day."


"Amanda brings her deep expertise and many gifts and creates a unique experience for each participant, yet also offers an open, supportive community environment. I felt encouraged and inspired to go within and take ownership for my deepest desire, which is to become my best, healthiest self, feeling alive, energized and empowered. Amanda guided me to take ownership for this and truly step into my power to manifest this. And I came to understand that, even now, I am perfect and can create my reality. Thank you Amanda!"


"Safe, Loving and Non-Judgemental."

Amanda Testa is an incredible coach with a gigantic heart. Every time we have done a pleasure session together, the awkwardness and discomfort I have felt around my sexuality melts away, and I am able to surrender into deep states of pleasure within my body. 

She holds a kind, compassionate, and gentle space, that always feels safe, completely loving, and non-judgmental. I would absolutely recommend Amanda to anyone who is interested in deepening their relationship to their sexuality and especially exploring the jade egg!

- Claudia

"Body Nourishing, Heart Awakening."

Amanda’s practices are body nourishing, soul stirring, heart awakening journeys that always leave me feeling more calm, empowered and delightfully alive. Having Amanda hold space for me to take this much needed but sometimes hard to find time for myself is priceless.

I have experienced profound shifts in awakening and understanding my sexuality. I feel more connected to my body and more vibrant and alive. I understand the deep unconscious patterning from my religious upbringing which has caused me to shutdown my authentic sexual expression. Bringing compassionate awareness to this patterning has helped me reawaken my true self and my sexual desire. I'm so grateful for our time together!

- Rachel 

Meet your guide,
Amanda Testa

Amanda Testa is a trusted healer, teacher, and guide who’s served hundreds of clients over the years with masterful skills in coaching, pleasure embodiment, and somatic trauma resolution.

After thousands of hours of training in trauma informed sex and relationship coaching, tantric sex coaching, energy healing, somatic trauma resolution, breathwork, yoni egg coaching and more, she’s seen time and time again the magic and wisdom of our bodies. 

We all have the ability to return to our blueprint of health, aliveness, pleasure and sovereignty, and you can too. 

 With her powerful, loving and gentle support her clients find their desire and pleasure again, find safety and bliss in their bodies, and remember they are enough just as they are. 

Easy and Doable

With 2 classes per month, you'll have the time to drop into your pleasure, without adding too much to your plate.


Be held in your commitment to centering your pleasure, with a powerful community of like minded peers

Less stress = more joy!

Giving yourself this gift to drop into your connection with yourself, your body, and your pleasure is priceless.  

Monthly Membership

Monthly intentions + journaling prompts
Monthly breathwork session
Monthly Pleasure Ritual
Community Accountability and support


Per month, Billed Monthly

Yearly Membership

Get everything in the monthly membership plus:
save $164 


Pay in full yearly membership, billed yearly

VIP Upgrade
1-1 Support

Get everything in the yearly membership plus:
personal coaching support with
(2) monthly 1 hour 1-1 sessions with Amanda 


per month, minimum 3 month commitment

Highly Recommend

I highly recommend Amanda Testa and any of her programs, teachings and coaching. She holds this highly intelligent space that is deeply informed by her experiences as a wife, as a mother, and as a woman. And she combines that with this incredible feeling of unconditional love and support and profound softness. So if you have the chance to work with her, she is one of our most talented and skilled graduates that we have seen in over eight years of running our VITA coaching program, and I highly recommend anything and everything that she does.

Layla Martin

Founder of the VITA™ Method

What are the monthly themes* you'll explore?

(All classes will be recorded so if you can't attend live you'll have the replays.)

*Themes subject to change

"In coming out of the Covid quarantine life, I was feeling isolated, unmotivated, with low energy and libido.

 When I begin to feel this way, somehow Amanda Testa always has the perfect practice to get me invigorated and ignited again. She invited me to join a group called “blood, breath, and belonging.” 

 This was the third group that I trustingly followed Amanda into (the others being Find Your Feminine Fire and her monthly Full Moon Circle). 

 For each one, I always start by feeling way out of my comfort level, nervous, and a little intimidated. But, immediately, Amanda’s disarming and charming style welcomes and warms me. 

 She has a unique talent in guiding you to a deeper connection with your self. Her own vulnerability and truth shines through her lessons, making the material accessible and relatable even to those earliest in their journey of self care, discovery and love. 

At the end of each of these programs, I have learned to unlock something within myself, de-condition some thinking that held me back, and further strengthen my intuition. Every single time I work with Amanda, I grow.

For any of my friends ever looking to light themselves up again, develop more intimate relationships, or deepen their connection to their partner, I always recommend Amanda. She is a true game changer for bringing enjoyment back into your life."

choose your image

Jennifer Singer


"I wanted to feel more energy, joy, and aliveness in my life. Now I feel like it's easier for me to receive pleasurable experiences and enjoy my life. I recommend Amanda and her work to anyone who wants a compassionate, trauma-informed approach to boosting their sexual energy and self-love."

Sara Giita Flores (she/her)

Embrace Your Voice


"After going through a painful divorce, I was yearning to rediscover my passion and embrace my sexuality once again.
Since working with Amanda, I have experienced a profound transformation, reconnecting with my feminine power on a whole new level. She has guided me in developing stronger boundaries and has opened my eyes to what truly ignites my desires, even at the age of 50! She can unlock your hidden potential and unleash the fire within."

Kelly Krueger

Kreuger PR


I always feel safe in any space that Amanda is holding. Amanda deeply embodies what she teaches while also welcoming students exactly as they are, wherever they are on their journey. Her voice, her guidance, and her energy are like a soothing balm to my nervous system. Whether it's a jade egg practice, a breathwork practice, a self-pleasure practice, Amanda's guidance and space holding have been such nourishment to my heart, soul, and body. "

Kim Lucier

Women's Empowerment and Sexuality Coach

What if I can't make the live session?

All calls will be recorded and posted within 24-48 hours on the course portal. 

What is the commitment?

Join for a 3 month, 6 month, or year commitment, you can cancel anytime with 30 days notice.   When you cancel you will lose access to the membership, so you won't be able to access content unless you are a current paid member. 

What is the schedule?

The live practices are 2x a month on Tuesdays at 11AM MST.    The calls are 60 mins, and the upcoming dates are:
1/31/23, 2/14 and 2/28, 3/14 and 3/21, 4/11 and 4/25, 5/9 and 5/23, 6/6 and 6/20, 7/11 and 7/25, 8/8 and 8/22, 9/12 and 9/26, 10/10 and 10/24, 11/7 and 11/21,12/5 and 12/19.
*note dates are subject to change

What about privacy?

(I don’t want anyone to know I’m doing this.) Don't worry, your privacy is protected. Everything is confidential. Also, yes, we are addressing sexuality, but all your practices are done on your own in the privacy of your home. 

Who is this for?

If you're new to exploring pleasure, or if you're a seasoned pleasure connoisseur looking to deepen your practice, this is the place for you.  All calls will have tiers so you can engage the practice in a way that feels doable to you, honoring yourself and your body's wisdom above any invitation I may offer.   The goal is to make pleasure easy and accessible for you no matter where you are on your journey. 

Our stance on inclusivity.

All femme identified folks are welcome. We stand for equality + equity of all peoples inclusive of races, genders, and sexual orientations. In such, we are committed to and actively engaged in our anti-racist work and intersectional feminism journeys. As we circle together, we will intentionally co-create more conscious, welcoming, inclusive spaces.  At the same time I have the lived experience of a white cis hetero woman who has lived a pretty privileged life, and while I continue to do my personal work I'm always open to feedback and if I do anything that causes harm I'm committed to open to a conversation and devoting resources to handling it in a way that honors and supports your experience. 

What will I need for the practices?

Ideally you will have a private, quiet space for the practices. Nothing else is required. However, you may desire additional tools such as a jade egg, and skin friendly oil. We will answer any questions and provide resources for additional tools in advance of our opening circle

What if I have more questions?

You can reach out to Amanda with questions at,  

or book a complimentary call HERE.

"After experiencing her magic in the Find Your Feminine Fire course, I felt more connected than ever to my own power as a woman to seduce, receive, and love the world to life. With Amanda, her presence is her power. You have to be inside a space she creates to know the full transforming energy of this woman!”

Tiffany Josephs

"Having benefited immensely from Amanda’s support I can confirm that her method is genius. I feel more deeply cared for, care for myself more and indeed this allows space for me to be fully feminine. I highly recommend Amanda and her work. If you are stuck, this is the way forward."

Andrea Balboni, Lush Coaching

"I was a little anxious at first to do the work, but Amanda provided space, tools and coaching to get it done. This work has changed my life - I feel so much more empowered and radiant - I am so grateful for Amanda to offer these services. I also really liked that the calls were on Zoom as they were very convienant and I was super comfortable being able to have the call from my house. If you are looking to change your life for the better - connect with Amanda!! "


“Amanda Testa is one of the most sensuous and generous women that I have ever known. I jumped into her program not knowing quite what to expect, but wanting some of whatever she was having! The experience delighted me at every turn, not only offering the opportunity to dive under the surface with a group of women each week and to learn practices for enhancing feminine presence and pleasure but also providing a treasury of resources for deepening and expanding on the experience over time. FYFF was everything I might have hoped for and so much more."

Lea Bett

Copyright © Amanda Testa LLC 2022 All Rights Reserved