Taking away the shame, and finding empowerment through sex education
Do you ever google things to find out if you're normal? Or have questions you want to ask your health provider, but feel too embarrassed to bring them up?
If so, you're not alone.
In this week's podcast, I'm talking with Mia Davis, the founder of the online platform tabú, a modern discovery platform for sex and health.
Her own journey of struggling with pelvic pain, shame, and guilt around sex, and the lack of good information led Mia to create Tabú, a place to make conversations about sex approachable and easily accessible.
Tabú, is an online platform dedicated to taking the shame out of all things "taboo" and providing education and tools to take control of the things that matter most: Your mind, your body, your pleasure, and your relationships.
Listen below, or tune in via: Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Spotify.
In this episode you'll discover
Mia Davis is the Founder and CEO of tabú, a modern discovery platform for sex and health. Mia earned her Bachelor of Science degree from Stanford University in 2014. Her own struggle with pelvic pain, shame and guilt from a conservative upbringing, and the lack of great information out there inspired her to create Tabu.
Check out tabú HERE.
Follow in Insta here: @talk.tabu
And Twitter @talktabu
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Listen here or tune in via Apple Podcasts,Stitcher or Spotify.
